Diablo 2 super boss mod
Diablo 2 super boss mod

diablo 2 super boss mod

R45: (4.7K) The lower you go, the more bass it cuts in total. I took some time to take appart the tonesection, and found out that it does a lot more than only cutting or boosting trebble. This gives me an awesome cruchy distortion, and with the neck pickup and dist to full even fuzzy disortion, it's really cool.īut the best thing is when you totally turn down the dist and volume way up, it makes my amp sound like it's on volume 10 except it's on 2. I use a Germanium in D8, D9 is standard, D11 standard and D12 a 5mm red Led. D8-9 have the least effect, I mean, you do hear the difference, but it doesn't really change the overall tone, the effect blends in with D11-12. D11-12 have the biggest effect on the distortion, you really hear the difference when you use a LED or silicon/germanium diode here. The function of D14-15 is pretty unclear to me, they don't add clipping nor affect the volume or tone, so I just keep them in. Collection of Boss DS-2 mods with explanations, quoted from :

Diablo 2 super boss mod