Fallout 4 shelter app cheats
Fallout 4 shelter app cheats

fallout 4 shelter app cheats fallout 4 shelter app cheats

(NOTE: you have to let go of the folder when the image of the vault dweller is fully showing and not flickering)Īnd now you can customise your stats and give yourself 999999999 lunch boxes and more! btw if you found this useful please like or even award this guide, you don't have to but it would mean a lot. Then go to this link and drag that save file into the box. Once you have opened the file go to the "Vault sav" Step 5- find fallout shelter in the folders and open the file. Step 4- once you are in the folder you want to click AppData above all the folders, then click local.

fallout 4 shelter app cheats

Step 3-Now what you want to do is Type %APPDATA% into the search bar. If you want the ultimate cheat save its optional. Step 2- Make a vault, once you have made the vault click save and quit and return back to your desktop. This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game. (Now before you Do anything i want you to know that cheating in any game ruins the game and makes it less fun) (it would mean a lot if you liked or even awarded this guide anyways enjoy)

Fallout 4 shelter app cheats